Blog Why is Emotional Liberation Necessary?

January 24, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

We are vulnerable to being held captive by our toxic emotions. Our brain keeps retrieving this toxicity. Therefore, functioning daily in a healthy way is necessary, and it requires excellent skills to set us free from toxic emotions that threaten our emotional wellbeing.

Scrutiny of our daily emotional patterns is essential in catching sabotaging behavioral and emotional patterns to develop liberating skills that will foster a more profound healthier internal climate and ability to understand how our emotions function.

Taking appropriate steps will require an evaluation of our relationships. Are our relationships healthy or toxic? We need to be intentional in choosing relationships that will believe in our vision of self-growth and help in encouraging us to pump our energy and vibration in the right way, cheering us to the finish line.

Choose to connect with your internal and external emotional world without numbing your pain. These could be the pain of abuse, abandonment, betrayal, or rejection. Putting the finger on your emotional trigger is essential. When you fail to do so, you will find yourself in an awkward situation where you might hurt innocent people who did not contribute to your pain.

When you numb your pain, you shield those who wounded you from taking personal responsibility for their actions. Your healing is paramount; push yourself from your comfort zone to liberate yourself by making peace with your past.

Emotional liberation starts with being in touch with your emotions. It begins with drawing boundaries with yourself and others. Boundaries are essential in guarding your self-awareness and having the courage to keep toxic relationships at arm’s length, as you protect your growth.

Some people will try to test your boundaries. They become offended when you say no instead of yes to their demands. They might try to push your limits. Frustrations show up because they were beneficiaries of your lack of boundaries.

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, that addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura

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