Home2021 2021 June

June 30, 2021

We had a group evaluation over lunch break with our Professor. I mentioned my interest in writing articles and a book. She was doubtful; she stared at me, and without sparing her words, told me that writing is not an area of my vigor. My colleagues looked at me with sympathy; quickly, I looked back...

June 21, 2021

I worked for a boss who did not have proper professional skills. She bullied her staff and lacked insight into her feelings and those of others. Engaging in manipulative and intimidating behavior was part of her daily routine, highlighting a lack of self-awareness. Why is self-awareness crucial? Self-attentiveness is crucial and requires the ability to...

June 17, 2021

Kindness is a hallmark of sympathy, empathy, compassion, and unconditional love.  Kindness exhibits a concern for others, even when it means going out of your way without recognition or reciprocation; it is a gift from God and a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Kind people are confident and comfortable in their “own skin.” They know...

June 14, 2021

No is a boundary-setting word. It creates a healthy relationship with yourself and others. When you abandon your responsibilities to take almost every request into your hands, it’s most likely you highly value others more than yourself. You are walking in a dangerous path that leads to self-destruction; and might make you vulnerable to feelings of stress,...


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Designed with Love by The DreamIt.

Copyright by Beatrice Ndura. All rights reserved.
Designed with Love by The DreamIt.