Blog She Humiliated Me

June 30, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

We had a group evaluation over lunch break with our Professor. I mentioned my interest in writing articles and a book. She was doubtful; she stared at me, and without sparing her words, told me that writing is not an area of my vigor.

My colleagues looked at me with sympathy; quickly, I looked back to the memory lane, and I could hear the voice of my undergraduate Journalism Professor giving me feedback on my writing project. “Beatrice, you are a good writer; keep writing. You have a great future ahead of you.” He prayed for me and spoke blessings on my writing path.

The humiliation humbled me and propelled me to work on my manuscript. It also compelled me to start writing articles and quotes.
God graced me with his favor, and within a few years, I published my book, A Woman of Influence Empowered by God.

Have you ever encountered humiliation? Did it build you or crush you? Don’t give up; embarrassment and shame can become building blocks in your hands. May you choose to fall in the hands of the Almighty God who knows your limitations and shapes you with his loving, powerful hands.

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, that addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura

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