Blog Sexual Abuse: Facts You Need to know

July 13, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

I Passionately talk on the topic of sexual abuse based on my journey and the experience that I have gained in the line of the work I do.

What is sexual abuse?

Many people assume that sexual violation only pertains to physical intercourse; actually, it is not.

Here are some examples of what sexual abuse is.

  1. Sexual abuse is physical, verbal, visual, and emotional.
  2. Forced penetration involves virginal, anal, or oral penetration.
  3. Rape or attempted rape.
  4. Pushing a person to be part of unwanted sexual connection or attention.
  5. Unwanted sexual comments or moves threaten to harm unless the individual consents to take part in sexual activity.

Sexual violence is an inescapable problem.

The violence can trigger shock, intense fear, sadness, and in most situations, anxiety, and depression.

Counseling, coping skills, and social support can ease the problem and help survivors heal the wounds of sexual assault and regain their dignity.

What to do:

It is essential to talk to a person you trust, such as a professional counselor, therapist, pastor, or friend.

Do not believe your abuser’s demeaning comments or the comments of other people. It is crucial to realize that you did not warrant abuse. Always remember you have no control over what happened, but you now have power in your healing journey.

Similar: Why is Practicing Self-Awareness Important?

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, that addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura

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