Musings Podcast How we Perceive Sexual Abuse

July 24, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

I was doing a workshop on how we perceive sexual abuse inflicted pain. Many women were
encouraged by me opening about my struggles with sexual abuse and my healing journey. What
caught their attention was when I mentioned the importance of breaking my silence and boldly
facing my shame head on.
Most of the women participating in the workshop encountered sexual abuse through a family
member or a person close to the family in their teenage years. As a result, they embarked on a long journey of perceiving
themselves through negative lenses and concluding that they must have been bad girls for
relatives to hurt them.
Their confidence and vibrancy were gone, and they began to engage in isolation, crying most of
the time.

Contact: 717-296-1721

Similar: Sexual Abuse: Facts You Need to Know

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