Blog How We Perceive Sexual Abuse Inflicted Pain Affects How We Cope

July 30, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

I was doing a workshop on how we perceive sexual abuse inflicted pain. Many women were encouraged by me opening about my struggles with sexual abuse and my healing journey. What caught their attention was when I mentioned the importance of breaking my silence and boldly facing my shame head-on.

Most of the women participating in the workshop encountered sexual abuse through a family member in their teenage years. As a result, they embarked on a long journey of perceiving themselves through negative lenses and concluding that they must have been bad girls for relatives to hurt them.

Their confidence and vibrancy were gone, and they began to engage in isolation, crying most of the time.

5 Essential Steps to Take

  1. It is crucial to identify life changes that occurred after the sexual assault. Most of the women identified, living in fear of being attacked again.
  2. Noticing the body’s reaction. Some women mentioned being tired most of the time and lacking the motivation to engage in physical activities.

3.  Moods – there was a confession of being sad most of the days and worries dominating their thinking.

4. Changes in behavior – lost interest in socializing with family and friends and instead of watching television and overeating.

5. Changes in the way of thinking – some of the remarks shared were that I’m a worthless person and struggle with suicidal ideation.

How to Cope with the pain

  1. Identifying and naming the intense feelings of shame, humiliation, etc, and finding your voice to enhance your healing is paramount.
  2. Seeking help from a spiritual guidance counselor, professional counselor, mental health professional, therapist, medical doctor, or pastor is crucial.
  3. Keeping a journal is helpful. It takes the heavy burden from your heart and helps you to come face to face with your vulnerability and seeing yourself in a new healthy way.


The healing journey is not easy, the uncertainty of carving the words into our innermost and presenting them before God for his feedback. Jesus demonstrates characteristics of gentleness, empowerment, justice, and truth.

For those who are broken and inflicted with unimaginable pain, God will not abandon you? Instead, compassionately he will pick you up with his healing hands. God calls us to support those hurting – being sensitive to their pain, reflecting God’s grace and goodness to them.

Isaiah 42:3

Similar: Sexual Abuse: Facts You Need to know

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, which addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura





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