Blog How to Build Mental Stamina and Stay Vibrant

January 28, 2021by BeatriceNdura0

A colleague shared with me the story of a diabetic woman who had given up on taking good care of herself. Her mother died at age 50 from diabetic complications. She believed she would end up in the same predicament as her mother. Her condition was severe to the extent of having her driver’s license taken away due to a decline in her eyesight.

My colleague challenged her to identify two things that she would be willing to eliminate from her diet to effectively control her health.

She took the first step in cutting out cookies and replaced them with sugar-free homemade oatmeal cookies. Within a month, she noticed her blood sugar was starting to go down. 

The results were encouraging; she went further to cut down sugary juice. She replaced it with diet juice. 

Since the progress was remarkable, she set a goal of having her driving license reinstated. She started walking daily and incorporated lifting weights in her exercise routine; it significantly increased her mental stamina.

Why Do We Need Mental Resilience?

When we get stubborn body aches, we make an appointment to see a physician. Unfortunately, we do not give the same attention to our mental and emotional pain, e.g., guilt, rejection, grief, anger, and fear. When this pain is ignored or dismissed, it takes a toll on us, denting our mental stamina and physical fitness. 

How to build mental stamina: 3 tips worthy focusing on:

We all can build mental vitality, but most people lack the know-how. Developing an exercise regime is instrumental in improving our thoughts’ flow and coordination, positively impacting our emotions, and being productive in the midst of dare circumstances. 

No matter your goals and objectives, building mental vigor is a plus in unleashing your potential and gaining a sense of fulfillment.

  1. What unhealthy beliefs of yourself frequently shows up in your inside dialogue? Sitting in quietness and journaling on your attributes is the first step in connecting with your unique strengths and taking tiny steps in crafting a constructive mindset.
  2. Become intentional in taking 15 minutes every day to shut the outside noise and focus on your internal rhythm; pick up the downbeat rhythm, write it down; it will be a signal to your brain, alerting it to adjust its movements. Validate the cheerful rhythm, which is a fertile ground for the calmness that flushes toxicity out.
  3. Get in touch with your feelings, visualize them as an escalator, identify which ones take you up and take you down. Strengthen the healthy feelings, creating a serene atmosphere in your mind.

When you prioritize taking your mental strength to greater heights, your body will lineup with your mind’s directives, simultaneously achieving your goals. You will then monitor your self-care journey without yielding to temptations and instant gratifications. You will bounce back from setbacks such as stress, mental fatigue, and you will then be a beneficiary of an optimistic attitude and vibrancy.

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, that addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura

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