Blog What is The Secret to Bearing Fruit?

April 21, 2021by Beatrice Ndura0

Proper preparation and study of your environment is an excellent secret to bearing healthy fruits. I learned this lesson one summer when I planted tomatoes in my tiny kitchen garden. I hoped to add organic taste to my daily salad plate. When my tomatoes were young, the leaves looked beautiful and healthy. Within a short period, they appeared to be unhealthy.

The color started to fade, and the tomatoes decayed and fell to the ground. Before cutting my plants and throwing them away, I investigated what caused the problem. 

My findings revealed that the ground beneath the soil was rocky, and the roots were unable to go deep beyond the rocks. 

It was difficult for my plants to bear fruits without sources that would fetch the proper nutrients, enhancing growth and productivity.

This experience reminded me of Jesus’ teaching on productivity. For a tree to bear good produce, it has to be healthy. Unhealthy leaves and branches cannot bear healthy fruits because they have no strength to hold on to the vine. They are shallow, and their roots cannot go deep. They are victims of their unhealthy environment.

John 15: 5-8

The Secret to bearing fruit:

It is crucial to have an intimate connection with Christ; hence our roots will go deep and fetch the proper nutrients to nurture our growth. Abiding in prayer and the study of the scriptures enables believers to maintain a tight connection with God. Then their fruit tree is healthy and productive even during hard times.

These are the faithful followers of Jesus, who quickly build vitality after facing difficult circumstances. They are sensitive to the lead of the Holy Spirit; and are quick in submitting and letting Jesus Christ take complete control of their lives. They recognize the importance of drawing strength, nourishment, protection, and energy from the true vine – Jesus Christ.

We cannot bear the fruit on our own. Bearing fruit takes time and hard work – patience and perseverance.

James 5:7

This process requires the help of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, we are mortal flesh, and we cannot be productive.

The Benefits of Bearing a Health Fruit:

Bearing a healthy fruit keeps our faith alive in Jesus. We become a showcase of God’s love and glory. We are no longer victims of our environment.

Bearing healthy fruit will lead us to a productive and enjoyable life. We will become resilient and bounce back to fertility, irrespective of the challenges we face.

Similar: Why Is It Important to Rest on The True Love?

Beatrice Ndura is a Mental Health Coach, a writer, and the host of Musings Podcast, that addresses mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

©Beatrice Ndura

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