HomeCategory Musings Podcast

August 16, 2023

Change is inevitable. It is like the weather. I faced this reality when our boys announced they were leaving our home. I did not know how to handle my new role, “empty nester.” I once heard somebody say that change is beautiful; some people embrace it while others resist it. I had a choice, to...

August 6, 2023

Food is a necessity for our survival. Our interaction with food started from the moment we came out of our mother’s womb. The first baby’s cry immediately after birth is calmed by breastfeeding or the feeding bottle. Food is a lifesaver and a killer, depending on how we use it. Similar: WHY IT IS IMPORTANT...

May 23, 2023

Guilt is a sense of remorse for thoughts or deeds we could have engaged in. It can occur when you discern you have hurt someone with your words or actions or have gone against your conscience. All of us encounter feelings of guilt from time to time. However, overwhelming feelings of dismay can mess up...


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Designed with Love by The DreamIt.

Copyright by Beatrice Ndura. All rights reserved.
Designed with Love by The DreamIt.