Home Programs

You are in the right place to get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on the right course. If you would like to be grounded in your emotional and mental stability and fully unleash your potential, then online coaching courses are appropriate for you.

BASIC COURSEDo not limit your potential

Ruminating on your limitations hinders your growth, creating an inability to operate outside of your comfort zone. How much could each one of us achieve if we did not limit ourselves? Self-imposed limitations water down our potential. Acknowledging this is the initial step towards mastering them.

ADVANCED COURSEIncrease your emotional awareness

Gain a wiser and more in-depth understanding of yourself and your emotions.

ADVANCED COURSEProtect yourself from emotional vampires

Stop overburdening yourself with toxicity from others. Firmly set your boundaries.

BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

Learn skills on how to handle individual and the organization’s emotional health. Gain extraordinary insights on how to nurture it.

BASIC COURSEProblem solving

An experienced life coach and mentor know how to help you in setting specific achievable goals, improve your financial status, structure your personal and professional life; to achieve an incredibly significant milestone in productivity by working smart without burnout. I will teach you how to set boundaries with emotional vampires by putting a stop to taking on stress and negativity from others as you practice emotional balance.

BUSINESS COURSEConferencing and chatting

Coaching is useful when combined with a regular call to blend thinking patterns that involve critical thinking strategy, mirroring sound logical and analytical skills to better process information in the context of the goals and objectives.

ADVANCED COURSEFinding balance

A well-trained coach knows how to use the right words so that you are naturally motivated.

BASIC COURSEEnjoy your life to the fullest.

A seasoned coach paints a mental picture with words that will empower you to see beyond the horizon.


Musing on your limitations and disappointments is addictive and a hindrance to living a fulfilled life. Coaching helps you to free yourself from sabotaging your growth. Learning new skills becomes a roadmap in your growth journey.


Musing on your limitations and disappointments is addictive and a hindrance to living a fulfilled life. Coaching helps you to free yourself from sabotaging your growth. Learning new skills becomes a roadmap in your growth journey.

We cannot say enough good things about Beatrice as our Life Coach for over 4 years. She is not only a great listener but is empathetic, insightful, and compassionate in dealing with our problems.

Stella & Ken


Beatrice is passionate in sharing vital lessons that she has learned to help you in achieving the same results if you are willing to listen, practice and implement. The skills I learned made it possible for me to be where I’m today.



“When it comes to emotional and mental health, it takes someone with insight, integrity, experience, and wisdom to help others to overcome their own challenges. Beatrice embodies all these attributes and more.


Everyone deserves a
healthy life!

My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

Everyone deserves a healthy life!

My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life.

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Copyright by Beatrice Ndura. All rights reserved.
Designed with Love by The DreamIt.

Copyright by Beatrice Ndura. All rights reserved.
Designed with Love by The DreamIt.